
CBC Crafting Crop
February 21-22, 2025. Click this link for more information:
Ladies Summer/Fall Book Study
The book study begins September 4. Please sign up in the Missions Cafe. The cost of the book is $24.99. Please see Sandy Walkenhorst or Katie Wilcox with questions. 
Collections for Campbell County FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
FCA needs small Gatorade bottles and frozen popsicles. Please place popsicles in freezer in the kitchen, and drinks can be dropped off in the church office. Contact Keaton Holbrook with questions.  

Looking for a place to serve?
CBC takes a monthly meal to our college students at the BCM on the first Tuesday of the month. We'd love to have you join our team of cooks and servers. See Mylin Scovel or call the church for more information.

Children's Ministry Need
The Children's Ministry is in need of additional Nursery Workers to join the rotation. If you are willing to help in this vital ministry, please contact Jamie Weyman at 859.803.7720 or the church office.

Questions? If you have any questions or prayer requests, please email us directly at