Trevor's passions include being a sports fan (NKU, University of Kentucky basketball and football, the Cincinnati Bengals and Reds, and FC Cincinnati), playing basketball and ultimate frisbee, and helping college students and young adults know Jesus. He has dedicated his life to doing the latter and has been employed at Christ Baptist since 2021. Trevor enjoys building relationships with those that he does ministry with and developing young leaders by helping them grow in their love and passion for Jesus. His enneagram is an #8w9 and he is a regular at Chipotle with his wife, Morgan.
Trevor Also really enjoys watching crime shows (Bones, NCIS, Psych, and Criminal Minds, to name a few), Action movies (007, the Bourne movies, MCU, and anything Tom Clancy related), and he's learning to enjoy reading a lot more as well! He also loves playing board and card games!